GUB Inter-University Programming Contest in Rupganj

This past weekend, the halls of Green University in the picturesque Kanchan municipality of Rupganj buzzed with excitement and the rapid clacking of keyboards. In an impressive display of coding prowess, 116 teams from 45 universities across the country gathered for a two-day inter-university programming contest. The event, a joint initiative by Green University and US Bangla Airlines, wrapped up on Saturday with a vibrant award ceremony.

Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak, Chairman of the CSE Department at Green University, led the event with both charm and expertise. His enthusiasm was matched by the presence of several esteemed guests. Professor Dr. M. Yusuf Ali Molla, a distinguished UGC member, served as the chief guest, sharing valuable insights that resonated with the young tech enthusiasts.

A real treat was the speech by Dr. Mohammad Zafar Iqbal, a beloved fiction writer and tech savant, whose words sparked inspiration throughout the auditorium. Joined by luminaries like Dr. Kaykobad from BUET and ACM ICPC Assistant Director Professor Dr. Abdul El Haque, the event felt like a star-studded gathering of the minds.

Green University’s Vice-Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. Phayaj Khan, and their ever-energetic Public Relations Officer, Motiur Hanif, proudly shared that the turnout and engagement were beyond expectations. It was clear from their smiles and the buzz in the room that the event was not just about competition, but also about making meaningful connections and learning from one another.

The competition itself was intense and thrilling. Teams huddled around laptops, brainstorming and debugging, racing against time to solve complex programming puzzles. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of serious focus and creative energy, a testament to the passion these students have for technology.

As the prizes were handed out on Saturday afternoon, the air was filled with cheers and applause. Each participant, whether or not they took home a trophy, gained something invaluable from the experience: new friends, fresh ideas, and an ignited passion for further innovation.

Reflecting on the weekend, it’s clear that such events are crucial not just for sharpening technical skills, but also for building a community of future innovators. Green University has indeed set a high bar for what a programming contest can achieve – fostering not only competition but also camaraderie among the brightest young minds in the country.

Here’s to more such inspiring gatherings, where young programmers can shine and grow together in a spirit of friendly competition and mutual respect!

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